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Technical Assistance and Training to Enhance Management for SIDA and Partners

Program Locations: Global
Project Duration: 2019-ongoing
Project Lead: Colleen McGinn, Ph.D. 

Project Overview

Niras is leading an expert team selected to extend technical assistance and training on results-based management for Sida-funded agencies worldwide.  As part of the Core Team, ISET’s Dr. Colleen McGinn has been supporting three of its grantees to:

  • Facilitate a Theory of Change process for EngageMedia.

  • Deliver training for the Alliance for Financial Inclusion  on program design, monitoring, evaluation, and learning.

  • Extend training and technical assistance on M&E for the Center for Health Human Rights and Development in Uganda.

Staff Involved

Project Partners

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Technical Assistance and Training to Enhance Management for SIDA and Partners


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