The Situation in Nepal: April 2015 Earthquake
ISET-International is relieved to report that our colleagues at ISET-Nepal and their families are safe. We nonetheless recognize that there remains much risk in the next few weeks from health-related issues due to the lack of services. We also recognize that, though all whom we know are well, there has been a deep wound in the soul of Nepal and that our friends are living this wound every day. Our hearts and minds are with them in these tough weeks, even months to come.
For the short term, we hope the aftershocks will soon come to a rest. It will be important for all of those affected to feel safe again in their homes. When the immediate crisis subsides, we hope to work with our friends and colleagues to begin the process of “building forward” rather than just “building back”. Risk reduction needs to be a key factor in the post crisis rebuilding effort. We hope that the ISET Network’s deep experience in understanding the profile of risk and recovery in Nepal can serve the people as they build for an improved future.
If you would like to support the relief effort, we suggest the charities listed in this link.