Developing a Comparative City Resilience Index for Vietnam
Developing a Comparative City Resilience Index for Vietnam
Program Locations: Vietnam
Project Duration: August 2015–October 2016
Project Lead: Ngo Thi Le Mai, Country Coordinator
Project Overview
The project will join TAF, ISET and the Urban Development Agency (UDA), a technical agency within Vietnam’s Ministry of Construction, in a combined effort to create a comparative city resilience index that also serves UDA’s mandated responsibilities outlined within Decision 2623. Those responsibilities include building a database and mapping system for urban risk (Program 1) and integration of climate change into regulations related to urban planning, management and development (Program 2). It is believed that this combination of assessments, creation of a comparative city index, and revised regulatory guidelines will incentivize city and provincial officials to pay greater attention to risks associated with climate change in urban planning, management and development.
Core Program Activities
Objective 1: Establish a Core Group to manage the project and draft preliminary index indicators, metrics and methodology
Objective 2: Pilot draft Index in five target provinces and present revised index to Provincial People’s Committees
Objective 3: Rollout City Resilience Index procedures in the remaining regions identified by Decision 2623
Objective 4: Develop recommendations for integration into existing legal architecture and achieve the broadest possible interest in city profiles in order to contribute to public learning and awareness
Project Publications
Staff Involved
Project Partners
The Asia Foundation, The Urban Development Agency