Urban Vulnerability in Southeast Asia Summary of Vulnerability Assessments in Mekong-Building Climate Resilience in Asian Cities (M-BRACE)
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This report documents the process and findings of a series of participatory Vulnerability Assessments (VAs) undertaken as part of the Mekong Building Climate Resilience in Asian Cities (M-BRACE) program. M-BRACE is a four-year collaboration to strengthen the capacity of city stakeholders to assess changing patterns of vulnerability that arise out of the combined influences of urbanization and climate change; and to put in place the institutional processes that would allow city stakeholders to deal with future uncertainties and risks. M-BRACE is funded by the United States Agency for International Development and implemented by the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET-International) in partnership with the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) and the Vietnam National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies (NISTPASS). Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Social Vulnerability; Urban Planning
Authors: Urban Vulnerability in Southeast Asia Summary of Vulnerability Assessments in Mekong-Building Climate Resilience in Asian Cities (M-BRACE)
Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Social Vulnerability; Urban Planning
Funded by: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).