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Nepal: Groundwater in the Indo-Gangetic Basin

Program Locations: Nepal                    
Project Duration: 
September 2012–May 2014
Project Lead: Marcus Moench, President


To build a scientific basis for policy.

Project Overview

The objective of this work is to provide an authoritative overview assessment of the occurrence and status of groundwater resources in the Indo-Gangetic Basin and to strengthen the evidence base linking groundwater, climate, population, and abstraction—collecting and systemizing existing data for policy and national planning and future research programs.

Core Program Activities

  • Support evaluation of groundwater resources:

  • Provision of concepts, methods, and framework: Help frame typologies and approaches to developing a scientific overview of the occurrence and status of groundwater resources in Nepal and their overall contribution to groundwater resources in the Indo-Gangetic Basin.

  • Collection and evaluation of groundwater data nationwide: Support in locating and accessing available groundwater data sets across Nepal.

  • Targeted technical assistance: Provide support in developing a literature review and conduct a case study examining groundwater use and storage in the Himalayan mountains.

Staff Involved

Project Partners

Project leadership from the British Geological Survey


Ajaya Dixit and the ISET-Nepal project team 

Funded by:


Nepal: Groundwater

in the Indo-Gangetic Basin


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