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Support to Community-Based Disaster Risk Management in Southeast Asia

Program Locations: Da Nang city, Vietnam
Project Duration: July 2015-September 2017
Project Lead: Ngo Thi Le Mai, Country Coordinator

Project Overview

Following the success of Storm Resistant Housing project in Da Nang, ISET will provide technical assistant for the subproject "Undertaking Feasibility Study for Scaling Up the Model of Storm Resistant Housing for a Resilience Da Nang" to formulate recommendations for scaling up the implementation of the disaster resilient housing project in Da Nang City by providing technical support for disaster resilient housing construction and a credit scheme for urban poor households for the establishment of disaster resilient housing.


The project is implemented in 26 months, from 07/2015 to 09/2017. The implementing agency is the Danang Department of Foreign Affairs (DoFA). The Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET) acts as a consultancy and technical assistance unit in the implementation process. The project consists of two main components: technical and financial.


In the technical component, the mechanism for mobilizing local technical partners has been proposed along with the delivery of a technical handbook to guide the design and construction of typhoon-resilient housing to support the replication and scaling-up of the typhoon-resilient housing model. The three targeted groups of the handbook are: local officials, local builders and households (see the uploaded documents). In the financial component, the project has proposed a credit and financial mobilization mechanism involving two key stakeholders, the City Women's Union and the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, in the operation and management of loans for typhoon-resilient housing construction and renovation.


With the results achieved, the project has received special support and attention from the donor (ADB), the city government (through the integration of the Disaster-Resilient Housing Sector in the City's Resilience Strategy - approved in September 2016), and other international partners (such as the Nordic Development Fund, the Vista Analyze Institute, or the Swiss Global Insurance Company) in continuing the next steps and gradually concretizing the idea of scaling-up the typhoon-resilient housing model to the entire city and, possibly, be applicable to other provinces and cities vulnerable to typhoon such as Da Nang.

Project Publications

Staff Involved

Project Partners

The Department of Foreign Affairs of Da Nang city (DOFA)

Funded by:



Support to Community-Based Disaster Risk Management

in Southeast Asia


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