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Catalyzing Climate and Disaster Resilience: Processes for Identifying Tangible and Economically Robust Strategies

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This report provides insights from an evaluation of the costs and benefits of disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in South Asia, and is the final report in the Risk to Resilience project series. The purpose of the Risk to Resilience project was to evaluate the costs and benefits of disaster risk reduction in case study areas in India, Nepal, and Pakistan, focusing on water related disasters and the manner in which they may change as a consequence of climate change. The objective was to develop a suite of methods and analytical cases that both illustrate methods and evaluate the costs and benefits of specific risk reduction strategies under different climate scenarios. The approach consisted of the following key elements: scoping, vulnerability and capacity analysis, shared learning dialogues within identified case areas, systematic qualitative approaches for evaluating trade-offs (broad costs and benefits) between alternative strategies for risk reduction, and cost-benefit analysis using quantitative probabilistic techniques for evaluating different approaches to disaster risk reduction. This summary focuses on core insights emerging from the application of this suite of methods to flood-related disaster risks in case study sites in the Nepal Tarai (the plains adjacent to India), Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Keywords: Climate Modeling and Scenario Planning; Economics; Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Water Management; Shared Learning Processes; Systems Thinking Keywords: Climate Modeling and Scenario Planning; Economics; Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Water Management; Shared Learning Processes; Systems Thinking


(Tiếng Việt, Español, Français)

Authors: The Risk to Resilience Study Team

Keywords: Climate Modeling and Scenario Planning; Economics; Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Water Management; Shared Learning Processes; Systems Thinking

Citation: The Risk to Resilience Study Team. (2009). Catalyzing climate and disaster resilience: Processesfor identifying tangible and economically robust strategies. Final Report of the Risk to Resilience Study. M. Moench, E. Fajber, A. Dixit, E. Caspari, & A. Pokhrel (Eds.). Kathmandu, Nepal: Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), & Institute for Social and Environmental Transition-Nepal (ISET-N).

Funded by: UK Department for International Development (DFID)


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