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Integrating Gender into Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Planning

Program Locations: Philippines 
Project Duration: 2020
Project Lead: Colleen McGinn, Ph.D.

Project Overview

This project reviewed how gender had been mainstreamed into risk assessment methodologies in the Philippines, and identified entry points for better mainstreaming of gender and social inclusion. The study focused on the Climate Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) toolbox, a key tool used by local governments in the Philippines for assessing disaster risk, identifying vulnerable populations, and identifying appropriate policies and interventions.


Core Program Activities


  • Review of gender integration within climate change adaptation and disaster risk management planning tools used by local governments in the Philippines.

Project Publications

McGinn, C. and Venkateswaran, K.  (2020).  Mainstreaming gender within local government climate and disaster risk assessments (CDRAs): A review of methodology and practice in the Philippines.  For Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Staff Involved

Project Partners


Funded by:

Misty Slopes

Integrating Gender into Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Planning


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