Climate Resilience Framework
The Climate Resilience Framework (CRF) is an analytical, systems-based approach to building resilience to climate change. The goal of this structured framework is to build networked resilience that is capable of addressing emerging, indirect, and slow-onset climate impacts and hazards.
ISET-International is using this framework with cities across Asia to build local capacity for climate change resilience with funding from The Rockefeller Foundation, USAID, The American Red Cross, and the Climate Development Knowledge Network. The Climate Resilience Framework emerged from the initiation of resilience building activities in the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) and the need to put activities into a conceptual context for dissemination and replication.
The CRF is informed by years of work in Asia and elsewhere by multiple actors, and was refined through the M-BRACE program with support from USAID, and co-funded by The Rockefeller Foundation through the ACCCRN program.
The CRF has proven helpful for cities working with numerous multi-stakeholder, cross-sector issues that arise when trying to address issues of climate change, uncertainty, and planning. Ten cities in Asia have produced resilience plans from which over 35 proposals have been written and over 20 of which have been funded. As such, the CRF proves itself practical in hollistically addressing issues of local need while offering an avenue to reach clear, specific actions.

The Climate Resilience Framework (CRF) has an intellectual history drawing from disasters and natural hazards, cultural theory, political ecology, and participatory action research. The CRF has been refined through the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network, with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Mekong-Building Climate Change Resilience Network, which is funded by USAID. It draws on prior work under projects supported by the International Development Research Centre, DFID, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, the American Red Cross, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, and others. Major contributors to the CRF include Marcus Moench, Stephen Tyler, Ajaya Dixit, Fawad Khan, Karen MacClune, Ken MacClune, Sarah Orleans Reed, Michelle F. Fox, Jo daSilva of Arup, and others.
Project Publications
Staff Involved
Jo daSilva (of Arup)
Project Partners
Funded by:
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
UK Department for International Development (DfID)