Why Community-level Resilience?
An Instruction Handbook for Community-Level Resilience Building ISET, in collaboration with the American Red Cross, has produced a...

Flood Protection Infrastructure: The Fine Line Between Disaster Generation and Disaster Prevention
By Karen MacClune, Kanmani Venkateswaran, and Rachel Norton Photo by Harris County Flood Control District The illusion of protection...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Programs that Provide Credit for Storm-Resilient Housing
Overview and takeaway points: In 2011, the Da Nang Woman’s Union started a program to help low income families fortify their houses, so...

A Resilient Housing Credit Scheme Commenced in Dong Ha City
On March 28, 2018, stakeholders in Dong Ha City, Quang Tri Province gather at the Meeting Hall of the City Fatherland’s Front to kick...

ISET to Research Business Recovery and Resilience After Hurricane Harvey Flooding in Houston
ISET, in collaboration with the Zurich Flood Resilience Program and the American Red Cross, is conducting a post-event review (PERC) of...
ISET to be Part of Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance 2.0
I am happy to report that we have received approval from Zurich and the Z Zurich Foundation to move the Flood Resilience Alliance into...

Green Infrastructure as a Focus Area of the Can Tho City Resilience Strategy
Over the last few months, the ISET team has worked closely with Can Tho city and the Can Tho 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) team on the...

After the Last Disaster is Before the Next One: The Value of Pre- and Post-Event Learning for Disast
Authors: Kanmani Venkateswaran, Karen MacClune, Adam French ‘Unprecedented’ events and ‘unexpected’ impacts are commonly to blame after...

Technical Handbooks on Design, Construction and Renovation of Typhoon-Resilient Low-Income Housing
Following several trainings at different districts in Da Nang city, the series of Technical Handbook on Design, Construction and...

Green Infrastructure: A Multi-Purpose Solution for Cities
Translated from article on: Sai Gon Times Online Investing in urban green infrastructure is a growing trend in many of the world’s...