Trans-Boundary River Basin Management in Central Vietnam
Agriculture field in Hoa Khuong commune, Da Nang. Photo: Thanh Ngo, ISET-International Early November 2017, storm no. 12 (Typhoon Damrey)...

The Need for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Urban Planning and Development - Case Studie
Integrated planning is one of the key elements of resilience and sustainable development. Yet, it has been highlighted consistently as...

ISET Senior Scientist to Become New National Programme Officer of SECO
Congratulations to Dr. Tran Van Giai Phong, who recently started a position as the Vietnam National Programme Officer for the State...

ISET Researchers to Conduct a Post Event Resilience Assessment of Hurricane Florence
Photo by the South Carolina National Guard. Accessed from: https://www.flickr.com/photos/scguard/29983777427 ISET-International...

Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Disaster Planning in India
ISET-International recently entered an MoU with the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI). ISET will collaborate with ADRI to...

Why Celebrate Failure? Lessons from Implementing Water Resilience
To be resilient requires the flexibility to elegantly and successfully plan for the unknown and respond to the unexpected. But bravely...

National Institute of Disaster Management, India to work with ISET-International and GEAG
The National Institute of Disaster Management, India, recently signed an MoU with ISET-International and the Gorakhpur Environmental...

Resilience thinking in urban development in Vietnam
On August 31, 2018, a UCR-CoP event was organized in Hanoi, with the participation of about 30 participants from UDA, Can Tho CRO, 100RC,...

Presenting the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, Phase 2
ISET is proud to be part of the next phase of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, a five year commitment to promoting preventive action...

From MIT to Antarctica, and now to the helm of ISET-International, we are proud to present our new C
Dr. MacClune has worked at ISET-International since 2008 when she and fellow scientist, co-worker, and husband Kenneth MacClune...