About Us
ISET-International catalyzes transformative changes toward a more resilient and equitable future. Through research, training and implementation activities, we improve understanding and elevate the level of dialog and practice as society responds to natural resource, environmental and social challenges. We serve as a framework for equal collaboration among individuals and organizations in the North and South.
History & Current Work
The Institute for Social and Environmental Transition–International (ISET-International) was founded in 1997 to address water issues in South Asia. Founders were curious to learn how rapidly expanding communities in India and Nepal, already facing water scarcity and management challenges, could prepare for and adapt to the additional stresses that growing population and other changes would bring. ISET-International has since grown into an organization that works not only in South Asia but around the world. With offices located in Boulder and Hanoi, we are able to pursue projects throughout South and Southeast Asia and North and South America. We have transformed from a water-focused organization into an NGO that works on a range of climate change resilience and disaster risk reduction activities, including:
Providing technical expertise on disaster and climate resilience;
Implementation of resilience building programs;
Providing training on disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and resilience; and
Conducting forensic post-disaster analysis.
Emphasis on Partnerships & Capacity Building
Much of ISET-International’s recent work and research has focused on urban areas. The world is urbanizing at an incredible pace at the same time that climate change is changing the risk landscape, intensifying old risks and creating new ones. To meet these challenges, it is critical that we close the gap between on-the-ground adaptation and resilience needs and global knowledge and capacity. ISET-International works in this space, building strong connections and functioning as the ‘backbone’ that brings diverse groups together to bridge gaps and share information.
Concepts That Guide Our Work
Copyright © ISET-International, 2014
The Climate Resilience Framework is a tool that can be used by communities to build resilience in an inclusive and comprehensive manner. Our goal is to ‘frame’ resilience-building as a cyclical process that requires the input of all facets of a community, including citizens, institutions, businesses, the local government, and scientists.