Do It Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience
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Why use this toolkit:
This toolkit was developed in collaboration with and piloted with community-based development and humanitarian aid organizations. It incorporates cutting edge resilience theory and practice and addresses issues of complexity, scale, urbanization and development.
This toolkit is also:
-User friendly,
-Community oriented,
-Comprehensive, and
-Designed for organizations to implement without the need for an external facilitator.
This toolkit is best for organizations working in cities that want to work on city-scale resilience, and organizations working in communities that find challenges that need to be addressed beyond the community-level.
What is in this toolkit:
This toolkit presents an approach for assessing city-wide community resilience that will allow you to:
-Identify community resilience priorities and needs that require city-level attention and intervention;
-Determine whether and how community and city-level resilience priorities align; and
-Identify entry points for building resilience at the community-level that can contribute to overall city-level resilience. Keywords: Local Empowerment; Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Social Vulnerability Keywords: Local Empowerment; Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Social Vulnerability
Authors: ISET-International and Picher Allan Associates LLC
Keywords: Local Empowerment; Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Social Vulnerability
Funded by: The United States Agency for International Development